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May 21, 2008


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I've been loving your flora photos, but I'm quite a fool for babies. These goslings are so precious. I'm also very impressed with your close-ups. I took a bunch of pictures of a goose family last week and couldn't get nearly this close...I did have my children with me, but we were very quiet and still! Just a lot of hissing going on!


LOVE the goslings!


A zoom lens does wonders! My dad was a wildlife biologist and growing up I got to see more than my fair share of wildlife photos. He would bring his slides to my class every year (I was mortified by this at the time).

Anyway, the goslings are adorable. I like the one of them crossing the street :)


I think your photos is wonderful.....I love to watch wild animals.
But if you want to take closer shots of animals...you need a zoom lens....my camera has 18 x zom and thats helps a lot!!!

Did the gosling find hes way to the others ?

Good luck with your expeditions in the nature and take care!!!


Your photos are wonderful!

I've spotted a few batches of goslings recently, too----they are too cute for words. Spying them makes me feel as if I'm stealing a glimpse of nature herself----so precious...

Yes, I admire those nature photographers, too. That kind of photography makes me realize I don't have the time nor the equipment to pull it off properly...

Elsita :)

Oh Margie, you were lucky because in the end you were able to take some great pictures. I know some friends who had such a bad experience when they went bird watching! you can see them in this link: http://elsita.typepad.com/elsita/2008/01/birdwatching-o.html
They are supposed to go back someday and I will give them some advices from this post!
Elsita :)

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