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December 06, 2008


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Oh, what a beautiful post! Love the pic!
Happy St Nicholas Day for you too!!!!!!


We celebrate St Nicholas day, too. Happy St Nicholas day to you, too!


I did not know there are such a
day!!! Why didnt any one tell me??
Do you still do christmas too?
Thanks for the alway eye candy
Rane and baby


Happy St. Nicolas Day. Everything is wrapped beautifully!

Mary Corbet

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas to you, too.... but where are the shoes??!


That photo gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Karen Salva

Somebody was really good and has very big shoes!

(came via Maya Made and have now added you to my reader)

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas! We celebrate too!

megan noel

i love the wonderful ornament you sent me! she looks right at home on my tree:

thank you!
happy creating,
megan noel


Thank you so much to exist ! I visit you every day, you are my favorite blog ! I love nature too. You embellish it so well ... Thank you for your tutos and congratulations for all you make !

Crystal Trosper

I am drooling over all those treasures!


Oh My! What a scrumptious pile of gifts. I would just want to look at them, and occasionally rearrange them, but never open them!


Beautiful packages! I received my fabric tree yesterday. Thank you so much. I love it. :)

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