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March 06, 2009


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His poetry is always so timely,
he has a way with word that I
have always strugled with!
His words are like a song, they
flow like water, falling into
place so smoothely. I am jealous
of his talent.
Your photos were perfect...as
they always are.
Rane and baby


I see where you son takes his artistic talents from ... you're very complementary & I think it's so fantastic to have such a special bond with your child(ren). His poetry is just sublime. Thanks for sharing your respective talents with us ! Happy end of the week to you & yours.


"I questioned what the Winds I feel,
Would fain do unto me"

this is a question I often consider myself... It is too easy not to notice the wear of the "winds" of the world we live in, as our perception molds around them, and we assemble into what is.

I feel it is a worthy challenge to try to free ones self enough to be able to gain a lucidity of those "winds."

We are changed by those "winds," and not always in ways we would choose to be changed if we had the lucidity to choose.

I appreciate this thoughtful poem.


gorgeous words.


I agree with Cassandra. The poem is hypnotic. "The winds I feel" is my favorite part.

Have you and your son checked out the new Neko Case CD, "Middle Cyclone"? "This Tornado Loves You" has to be the most interesting premise for a song--based on a dream Case had about a twister asking her to read a book to it.


What a wonderfull poem! It really touched me!

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Great poems differ from others exactly because of these, because their words invoke thoughts and powerful feelings in the listener or reader. Some poets, like the Hungarian József Attila, wrote exceptional poems with words combined in sentences that achieve meaning greater than the sum of the meanings of the words. Some of these became sayings in the everyday language. Across time and cultures the meanings of the words change, and make it difficult to enjoy the original beauty and power of poems.

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Thanks for sharing your respective talents with us ! Happy end of the week to you & yours.


Hello I enjoyed yoiur article. I think you have some good ideas and everytime i learn something new i dont think it will ever stop always new info , Thanks for all of your hard work!.

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