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December 17, 2009


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Lovely World

I love the idea of your crochet embracing and comforting the hard stone. I especially thought of it as you told of the death of your patient. In my work as a nurse-midwife, I have seen much more life than death. But, I think we need that holding and craddling - like your crochet - when we enter AND when we leave this life. Blessings.


I loved your details in the snow photos!Is the crocheted snowflake on sea glass or is the stone so see-through?Ariadne from Greece!


Beautiful photos Crocheted details on stones are amazing!


Gives me a warm christmas feeling!


Looks like the stones need a sweater in that snowy weather. And what a beautiful gift from Mr Fern!

michele (maryland)

Margie: Sorry about your elderly patient, hope his long life was fantastic.
But, the blanket is wonderful. How beautiful it looks..enjoy.
Thanks for the snow pics. Here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland we are about to get a SNOW STORM, un-heard of, actually...can not wait.


I adore your snow pics - we don't get much here so it's lovely to see such beauty on your blog!


Dear friend, I can feel you're looking for serenity, and I hope you will find some this weekend. I keep you & yours in my heart, always. oxoxo


One of the best things about having internet again is being able to visit your beautiful and warm blog Margie :) Mr. Fern sure know the way to Mrs. Fern's heart, what a lovely gift to receive.

Kate Fern

I discovered your blog about this time last year. It's wonderful to see your snow photos and beautiful christmas crafts while I have a different kind of xmas sweating in the tropics!
Seasons greetings and thankyou for sharing your lovely blog.


ahh... beautiful. what a nice gift for your husband- he is really thinking about you. xx


What a nice gift! And thank you for the views of your landscape.

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