This next installment us actually composed of two darling little parcels from the isle of Jersey. Jersey is a beautiful little place located between England and France and is home for a most wonderful artist, maker of things and former librarian, Lisa better known as the creator behind lou, lou and oscar. I was the first person to buy something when she opened up her etsy shop last year and I decided to buy a companion for my dear polar fish boy this year when it was her shop's anniversary. There is something so unique about Lisa's soft artistry and yesterday I think my thought finally distilled what I believe to be the essence of it. Her plush are very special in that they are unique, made with the most beautiful materials and attention to hand stitched details and yet they are completely child and as you will see later kittie friendly. Oh but this post is about the stones. The first parcel had a very special collection curated by her darling son, Ishi. It literally melted my heart.
Edgar so loves polar fish boy!!!
The second little parcel from Lisa arrived more recently and her artistry shines through in the wrapping of the tiny little packages of joy. I believe they contain little shards of sea glass but I have not yet opened them since I am smitten with them wrapped. I am sure you will understand when you see them shortly.
Lisa, Ishi and Edgar really know how to pull on those heartstrings:)
Thank you so very much my dear friend.
Ooooh Lisa ♥ !!!
And Ishi ... ♥
These guys both melt my heart !
These parcels are just perfect !
And Edgar playing with the Polar Fishboy ? Look at these silly faces !
Because yes, I can see the Fishboy enjoying the craziness of the game, too :D
x x x
Posted by: Mathyld / encore petite | February 04, 2010 at 08:34 AM
Lovely stone diary again!And how much I love to see your friends adding sea glass in their gifts to you!I collect sea glass and I adore its smoothness and the colours,what the sea,the sand and the power of the waves do to glass!Ariadne from Greece!
Posted by: | February 04, 2010 at 08:54 AM
The designs you create with the objects are just as inspiring and beautiful as the objects themselves.
Posted by: maryellen | February 04, 2010 at 10:43 AM
i love what you've done with the bakers twine... LOve and the heart... {sigh}{double sigh}
this stone diaries project is so inspiring!
x nadine
Posted by: nadine | February 04, 2010 at 11:26 AM
This is so cute. :)
Posted by: Briana C. | February 04, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Lisa's Polar Fish Boy looks to enjoy Edgar's welcome ! All these Lilliputian packages are so cute. And I can see a lot of necklaces with Ishi's great Nature collection ... Wish a nice Friday, Margie !
Posted by: Nanou | February 05, 2010 at 01:07 AM
how beautiful! I believe my eyes welled when I got to your organization of string and wrapped shards!
Posted by: nicole/astulabee | February 09, 2010 at 08:36 PM