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August 24, 2010


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I was just looking at that issue today! I loved the micro insect eggs!


that is very neat - i like it very much. i like how your mind puzzles through these ideas and brings them into reality.

Jill Wignall

oooh how exciting a new type of crocheted stone. Don't think I've seen you do one like this before. I love the blues.


...perhaps explains why we find such patterns (ie patchwork etc) so comforting, because they are in (our) nature as well. Thanks for sharing this connection - beautiful image. Cx

Cozy Memories

not only this concept is amazing, but I love how you were inspired by the conglomerate. Awesome.
Good luck for your day my friend, and thank you again so much for your wishes for U's birthday, he was SO happy ! :D

Geninne D. Zlatkis

You are a genius :)

Jordan 1

Great project, and it seems like it had great results.

Lovely World

This looks great Margie. I always subscribe to National Geographic, and agree that it is so inspiring.

Julie Shackson

Love the way your stones are evolving! Julie


You never cease to amaze and inspire me!


I really like what you did with this stone, especially the stone on stone. But I also liked the crochet in the second photo, before it went on the stone - the way it puffed up like coral or something. Would it be possible to do one and still keep it with that dimensional aspect?


That is so beautiful!

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Because I did not have a set plan or any expectations of a masterpiece! I was having so much fun making a mess with these papers, time was running out and I had not yet painted my apple on the board! By 10:30 Friday night I was finally packed and ready to go with the painted apple, lots of painted paper and all my supplies needed for the Saturday morning workshop.

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