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September 20, 2010


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Geninne D. Zlatkis

hahahahaha so adorable! Loved the video :)
Edgar sure knows how to ask nice...
Good joke Sonia ;)


Don't you just love cats? They are so smart - totally enjoyed this video.


LOL! I sure hope your cats' petition doesn't go viral. My cats' have already taken over my phone answering machine. :)


Awesome! My kids loved it!


love it : ) I'm sure Edgar would let mommy use it too.


hehe! you and your cats have a lot of fun. i wouldn't mind an ipad either!


That is so much fun. A wonderful thing to wake up to on a Tuesday morning. I know a certain puppy (who insists on sitting on my lap to watch the computer screen even though she's too big for my lap) that would love an iPad too.
And yes please on the sending of links, your the best!


Do the kitties know they'll have to file their scratchy nails ?


:D))) It was so funny!

Cozy Memories

I can't get enough of it !
ENJOY your day today my friend, you so deserve such a break & such a thrilling experience ! Hug Arounna for me too :) xoxo


I miss my cat...that was so much fun!


hola margaret!!l can´t take my smile from my face!! how lovely cat!!!and edgar´s petition is very lovely and funny!!!!!!!today here begins SPRING !!so we are very happy!times of flowers,of sun ,of smells,of love!!!!besos enormes!!!!!!!

Noodles and Waffles

What a great video. I want an iPad now too.


lol.. lovely hightech cat :) thanks a lot for sharing!


That's a high tec version of "keyboard cat" !!!
And much less shamefull for the cat...

Lovely World

I love cats in the house. They make for such experiences. Very sweet.


trop mignon ce chat!



Gah! Cutest post EVER! I love the pet-ition!

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