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July 12, 2011


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WOW doesn't even cut it! I'm actually speechless with the gorgeous colors you've captured M! Can't wait to see those in person :) I'm starting to get really excited!

Carol Dee

Yummy blackberries. We also have had a good year for the berries. I plan to make a batch of jam tomorrow! Beautiful floral photos, too.


soon off to explore the corners of your garden myself & sigh all the way ....... :) oxoxo


Suck magical photos of the garden. love how you've captured the light in this photos. love summer!


your pictures are stunning. i can almost smell the flowers ... great! thanks for sharing :)


Beautiful photos! Such a colorful time of year captured by your camera, Margie. The berries reminded me that their juice was used to stain furniture in the past. Should make some interesting dyeing, too. Enjoy their gift while you have them!! X♥X♥X


no.5, please

Lisa at Lil Fish Studios

Just so beautiful. Black caps are the taste of my childhood. A bowlful with cream and sugar turn me back into a barefoot dusty grinning kid.

I'd also eat the buds on those lilies you have in the pot by your hedgie. Sauteed with a little butter and salt and mmm mm. I grow them in our yard just for eating.

Jessie Hansen

So, when is your book coming out? You know, the book full of your pictures? I think a book of seasons by Margie would be amazing. Yes please! Let me know so I can pre-order it ;)

Nancy H

gorgeous garden!!!


Our thimble berries are just coming out - blackberries and black raspberries soon to follow. But it's a race to get to them before the deer eat the all! = )


Don't mind if I do...

Everything looks so "juicy"!


I love these photos, such summer bounty. Thank you so much for sharing.


Your photographs are always so stunning :)

Landscaping in Sydney

This article is very helpful to insure that what trees should we use in our garden. It helps to make a garden beautiful. It helps to choose trees and shrubs so that some flower in early grew up. I like vary much The Sargent Cherry which really grew up early. Thank you very much for such a beautiful post.

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