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August 04, 2011


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Lisa at lil fish studios

That is fantastic. Love the slubby texture against the lines in the blue.


Funny I was just noticing the shift in the light yesterday morning. Even though I don't want summer to end, in some ways I'm looking forward to a change. It is good afterall!


Your photos capture this subtly shifting time of year magically!


I miss that table so much! I loved sitting there with you and Sonia. Specially that afternoon when it rained...it was perfect.


even the flowers are changing slightly too
I miss being with you & Geninne, embroidering & chatting and enjoying life very simply ...
I love the shibori effect, those lines are so neat on the silk noi.


it's changing here too. i'm excited for the change.


there is something about that shifting light, the harsh glare of bright summer fading into a warmer tone that richens colours and flatters all tones. beautiful, i always enjoy watching it change. and your scarf is divine.


I wrote that exact line in my journal today. Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.


ahh, that's beautiful light. if it's turning a little where you are, it must be here too....


love the first two photographs..


Beautiful, Margie.

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