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September 16, 2011


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Count me in! Autumn is my favorite time of year. I feel alive, I have that feeling in my chest like being in love. I think it's the quality of light, the weather that's perfect for a t-shirt and jeans, the abundance, the colors, the snuggly evenings in blankets with hot tea. It's a delicious and all-too-brief respite between a busy and hot summer and the long cold winter.

Sonia / Cozy Memories

Oh you ... you are so generous
I loved the happy, smiling, mushroom, what fun !!
what I love about autumn ? Lots of things actually.
The drop of temperatures, the apple & pear season,
leaves changing colors & falling, the crisp air, starting to layer clothes ...
and I could go on and on.
Have a lovely weekend too, my friend oxox


So many favorite things about this time of year. The air, the sound of leaves, apples in all their manifestations, my birthday :) I love fall. And I love your blog.


what's not to love about this glorious season? i live in the mountains of north carolina and autumn is just incredible here. my very favorite part must be the smell. mmmmmmm......


getting in the mood to knit!

Melissa  8*)

My favorite thing about fall is the colors! Bright, vibrant, reds, oranges, yellows and purples!

Every single day when I look or go outside I see new color changes!! The colors change from morning to night!!! The orange leaves that I saw in the morning can be brown by nightfall!!

And it lasts for weeks!!

How exciting is that?!!
I'm feeling all tingly just thinking about it!!! 8*)

Having one of your crochet covered pebbles AND one of those beautiful prints would be the icing on my birthday cake of treasures this year!!

Thank you for having this awesome giveaway!!8*)


have you try a spray fixative for charcoal on your lovely mushroom prints? or even a hair spray might help. love your blog so many wonderful ideas! :)


sweaters and socks! so happy to start covering up a bit in the autumn.


What I love about autumn! What is there not to love?
I love how the weather starts becoming cooler and rain starts little by little and you feel cosy when at home.
I love the smell of new school books (although this year we weren't sent any due to the financial crisis)and the way newly-sharpened pencils write and the look of a new notebook to write down my every day "adventures" at school with my students!
And most of all the grace of having the courage and the chance to continue teaching for one more school year!


I think that little mushroom looks like he might have eaten a piece of Geninne's birthday cake. :)

I love autumn for the lovely cool, crispness of the air making it the perfect time of the year for walking. I love its clear, clean light that makes my garden look beautiful even as it approaches its season of sleep.

sara f

your giveaways are always so lovely :-)
well, i love this autumn season above all others i think. and i love so many things about it...
:: how the colors gently start to change to lovely shades of brown and red
:: putting on more layers of clothing
:: the magical way the leaves dance in the wind
:: the sweet smells that surround me in the kitchen... cinnamon, pumpkin, apples, fresh-made pots of tea
:: the sense of slow metamorphosis, not just in the environment, but in myself

Marty Mason

Everything is good about the autumn of the year. What a delight it is to have cool nights, blue skies and windblown hair! Oh, and my knit and crochet yarns don't stick to my hands.....


This will be my first *real* Autumn in 16 years, and right now the thing I most love about Autumn is the sweet relief offered after my first *real* summer in 16 years and my first Southern summer ever!


Oh, how I covet one of your pebbles! Autumn is my favouritre season for many reasons. Two of the most important are that everything looks so gorgeous when the leaves are changing colour and that I love wearing coats, scarves and boots!

wintu nancy

My favorite thing about Autumn is the cool weather. I am always ready for a break from the summer heat. It just feels so yummy to have cool weather for sleeping.


Low humidity and getting cozy with my honey.

Carol Dee

Ahh Autumn is my FAVORITE season. Quilt weather. After not being able to get to sleep for being too warm is is sweet to need that extra quilt on the bed. And about a million other things... wolly bear catapillers, falling leaves that crunch under foot, mumms in all there splendid color, sweaters (oh I could go on forever!) Thanks for the chance to win these amazing gifts... Hugs....


What a chirpy little mushroom guy!
My fave thing about autumn has to be the beautiful golden sunlight, there is nothing quite like it.
wonderful giveaway, thank you for the chance
jooles x


you are so generous! there are so many things to love about autumn - brisk night air, wool on knitting needles, the return of greens to the farmers market, leaves changing, mushrooms popping, squirrels scurrying, fall camping, wood fires. ah but the best is snuggling with my babies under blankets. happy weekend!


First of all, my birthday is in October but I really like the weather. It's so great for walking and kicking up the leaves. I'm a kid again when I kick leaves.


Your pebbles are beautiful ♥ I love the bright white print on the green paper :) Have you tires a spritz of hairspray, or fixative, or printing on a sticky surface to preserve for mailing?


My favorite thing about autumn is getting to pull out all the handmade quilts and blankets! I missed them.

Beth Stone

I love the pumpkins, mums, changing leaves, and crisp feel in the air. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win! The stones and print are gorgeous!


I love the cool crisp air, the smell of woodstoves, the colours of the leaves, hot apple cider, cozy handknit sweaters & the glow of golden light in the morning.


Autumn is the very best time to go to the beach in South Texas. The ocean is still warm enough to swim in, the air tempatures have finally dipped below 100* and the beaches are returned to the locals with the summer tourists heading home.

Madame Beespeaker

I love autumn because it's the easiest time of the year to eat local food. I just picked two zucchinis this morning and I've got a soup on the stove with three types of shelling beans from UBC Farm. Have a lovely fall!

Emma (silverpebble)

My favourite thing about autumn is the warming puddings - eapecially fruit crumbles and steamed puddings. They must be served with custard (and sometimes cream as well!) Then there is the ceremonial lighting of the first open fire very soon. My friend makes damson gin - I expect we'll be sipping some by the fire in the coming weeks.

Tricky things have happened in the autumn in recent years but very slowly I'm starting to enjoy it again.


Oh dear! Autumn is not my favorite time of year, but there are many thing I love about it. Right now there is the whiff of possibility in the air - thing hidden (under leaves) and coming (cool breezes). I'm ready to clean up outside and then turn inward. I love fall rain and riding our bikes with my seven-year old to school. I'm looking forward to our first fall weekend. Happy days.


I love when the leaves change from green to orange!


Hi! I love autumn: colors and smell.
I love mushrooms and wlaking in the beach :)
Have a wonderful fall :)

Cathy R

TOO FUN! THANK YOU for your generosity. I love all your treasures. AUTUMN ~ I love all of its treasures! Cathy in Idaho


That is the happiest mushroom EVER! Where we are my favorite thing about autumn is the change in temps. Our summers are way too long and hot! But the last two years I look forward to the falling and collecting of leaves to add to my garden beds. They love it!


i love the crisp air first thing in the morning as i gather eggs and wander amidst the dahlias, the seeking out of warm clothing, knitting needles clicking once again and the harvest abundance.

loving the spore prints and wanting to try our own!!


Your spore prints are just so amazingly beautiful. Perhaps using a fixative spray would set them (you can find this product at any art supply shop).

There is much to love in the fall. Top of my list are:
- getting out my woolies and wrapping myself up, especially handknit sweaters, shawls and also wool tights
- the smell of my beeswax candles in the evening
- getting out my sheepskins to create cozy sitting places
- the amazing colours and smells in the woods
- no bugs when I'm out taking pictures in the bog/forest
- great knitting weather of course
-the amazing abundance at the farmer's market
- and last but not least, knowing that sweet snow is on its way...

I hope you have a lovely weekend! xoxo


the last picture with that gorgeous table cloth: so cozy!

autumn: there is a different more urgent energy this time of year; almost like the anticipation of a new beginning. That's what, to me, is special about autumn


Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I love when the light starts to change. Halloween! Huge full harvest moons! Leaves crunching under foot. Cool clean crispness in the air. Fall colors. And the old time feeling that this is really the new year with new beginnings, school starting, empty notebook pages, new projects to dream about and plan. Comfort food, mmmmmmm I could go on all day. Thank you for this give away I read and enjoy your blog immensely. Happy fall to you and yours.


Wonderful!! I've just moved to Austria from New Zealand, and the variety of trees here just astounds me every time I look out the window. I'm so looking forward to them turning, but currently I am enjoying the gorgeous morning mists. The seasons here are just so definite! My favourite thing about Autumn though, is having an excuse to wear jeans and jerseys ALL the time, and walking through the beautifully fresh air that seems to suddenly appear magically at this time of year.


I love the crisp air and the bright blue skies.


Tights and the smell of we leaves!!!


Where I live in Ohio, the grasses change color right along with the trees. I don't know if this happens in the south and I never noticed it, or if it is truly a "northern" thing, I think the grasses colors are actually much prettier than the trees colors.

Ellen L.

I love the red leaves on our Paperbark maple tree, the cheerful roundness of pumpkins, and snuggling under afghans.


cider! and squash! and babies kicking leaves!


There is so much to love about autumn! I love everything that everyone else has posted. So I know this sounds cliche but my favorite thing is to see vast forests of colored leaves on the trees and covering the ground. Not to mention the scent and rustle of the leaves when you walk through them.


I love the spore print and the stones !
My most favourite time of the year purely because of the Hedgerow Harvest. I love how nature provides its own larder so I can preserve a little so my family and friends can have their own little piece of autumn , write through winter.


I love the crisp freshness the air gets, makes me feel alive!


Yay for giveaways! My favorite part of autumn lately is when I come around the driveway in my office complex to maple trees that look like flames against a blue sky. Bliss!


Autumn :
-being caught by cobwebs when you walk in the garden
-the first fresh pumpkin soup
-giving my little "waldorf" witch her own place on the cupboard ;-)


I love your smiley mushroom. In fact, mushrooms are one thing I love about autumn. And cob nuts in the hedgerows and the variety of berries and the first frost and the crunch of leaves underfoot. Just wish we could keep the light evenings so we could enjoy autumn even more :)


I LOVE Fall (Sweater Weather) - The colors, the cooler temps, wood fires, baking to warm the house,sitting around the wood stove with a good book, hay rides, pumpkins,apple festivals,bringing out the sweaters and wool jackets, slower pace of life, tucking in under the heavier blankets waiting for the first snowfall.

Denise Leavens

I ADORE Autumn! Be warned, you asked for it, so here is a partial list of my favorite thing(s) about autumn.
Deep orange pumpkins with their green leaves and curly vine bits,
colorful turning leaves,
burgundy mums,
roasted squash-with olive oil-fresh from the oven,
harvest moon,
maple keys – or "helicopter wings" as we children called them,
gold mums,
hazel nuts with the leafy bits attached,
white mums,
and more mushrooms,
roasted pumpkin seeds,
Canada geese honking overhead,
apple wood fire in the fireplace,
cutout spice cookies in the shape of leaves, acorns, and pumpkins,
purple mums,
squirrels with nuts in their mouths,
yellow mums,
the gold of sun infused maple leaves against the deep blue of an October sky,
orange mums,
the rustle of deep, dry fallen leaves,
the change of hydrangea blossoms from blue to lavender to greeny-cream to dusty pink to burgundy,
freshly made LOCAL apple cider (ambrosia!),
hay bales,
corn mazes,
plaid wool skirts,
sun shining on spider webs,
cake donuts,
candles in my fall holders lit at night,
walking in the autumn wind wearing a warm coat,
the first smell of wood smoke from home fires,
embroidering Christmas gifts...

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