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September 29, 2011


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Sonia / Cozy Memories

a name doesn't mean anything
it's what you are that matters
no exception for these precious jewels of the forest
YOUR photos are precious too


The name really does get in the way for me--gives me a funny feeling in my stomach. Maybe we could call them something else? Forest caviar? :)


Kathleen said it before me,they do look like caviar!Colourful caviar!I have to look it up to see what slime molds are!My English is not enough!AriadnefromGreece!


I have never heard of slime molds!! There you go again..opening my eyes to something completely different than anything I have ever seen before!! You have me hooked!!


Wow, beautiful! They do look like caviar!

Emma (silverpebble)

I used to study slime moulds. I love that they are one of the most primitive multicellular organisms and for most of their life live like amoebae. Then they begin to signal to eachtoher and gather together to form little structures that begin to walk around! I'll always be fascinated by them. I didn't realise they caqme in such beautiful colours.


They are certainly beautiful, regardless!


I ♥ slime mold! :-) well...at least after looking at your beautiful photos!


after seeing the photos and not seeing your comment on the bottom
I was thinking the same thing - jewels indeed.

Holly McLean

They sure look pretty. I think I may have seen some while out for my walk today.


they are all so pretty, when seen up close and in detail - you are a master of the macro lens! love the orange jelly fungus in the middle, one of my favourite bright spots in the forest!


Beautiful! And I second Sonia's comment. So perfectly said.


what beautiful little pearls of the forest.


i don't think i have ever seen such pretty slime!

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