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May 14, 2012


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Chez Chouke

It looks lovely! (as always on your blog..)


Yum Yum Yum it looks so beautiful : )


That looks and sounds like a perfect weekend :-) All my love to the Resurrection Fern household ♥. Love you!


OMG, Lilith!
You're killing me with that little hat and the little orange flower!
And Margie, that menu! Yummmmm!


How nice it was for you all to be together. Looks like a beautiful and yummy luncheon and Lilith is is adorable.


Gorgeous food! I'm feeling hungry now.

And Lilith looking so adorable ... babies grow too fast!

Wendy B Burton

What an absolutely beautiful day you had. I want to let you know how much I loved your blog when I found it earlier today. I decided that I had to include it in my gardening and kitty cat blog links for today's "Monday mingle".
So nice to meet you. Angels be with you.


Ahh!!! So lovely..Looks perfect! and that little Lil! My goodness..she is SO precious! Happy Mother's day...


A beautiful family, and the food looks so good! I love your table linens and the baby is so sweet. Glad you had a wonderful day!


your photography is always beautiful - thank you for sharing your lovely day in pictures, best wishes x


It all looks beautiful, bet it tasted beautiful too. Is that a special hat knit by Oma that Lilith is wearing? It's too cute.
Happy belated Mother's Day you wonderful mamma.


Happy belated mamaoma day.

So much beauty.


What a very nice flowers !


tks for your sharing. it is very good. nice article. What a very nice flowers !

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