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November 15, 2012


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Very nice!!! Reminds me of your cute red sandals from this summer:)

Sonia / Cozy Memories

Like I said on IG, the photos are so good & inspiring, they would look so good as postcards or prints ! I'm a huge fan of your handmade cones. <3 They're the best ! xoxo


Oh my goodness - a Christmas Cone!! It's perfect, Margie!

Tina W.

Did you make this out of leather? It looks fantastic!


I actually have a bag of ornaments that are very special to me. It is a zip lock bag of handmade ornaments that we're made by me, my sisters and parents. As children, my mother would teach us crafts. Some ornaments I made as a child, others were made for me by my sisters or parents. When I moved out & got my own Christmas tree, my mother gave me the zip lock bag full of the handmade ornaments. Even though I always know which ornaments are the ones we made, I always keep them packed separate from the other ornaments in the ziplock bag




Very beautiful pinecone!

Melissa R

pretty pretty!

Mary Jo Hoffman

Oh Margie, I just love these leather ornaments. I am heading over to bookhou right now to see if they are in the shop yet...


They look wonderful!
I also really love the sugary looking snow topping them off :)


gasp. red. my favorite color. I am smitten.

bubblegum necklace beads

Hei siellä! Tiedätkö, jos ne tekevät mitään lisäosia suojautua hakkereita? Olen jotenkin vainoharhainen menettää kaiken olen työskennellyt kovasti. Mitään vinkkejä? Hei! Tiedätkö, jos ne tekevät mitään lisäosia suojautua hakkereita? Olen jotenkin vainoharhainen menettää kaiken olen työskennellyt kovasti. Mitään vinkkejä?

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