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January 16, 2013


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Carol Dee

Fabulous finds. Tronto is lovely even in the rain. Lillith looks to be a book worm. (Very nice) and precious in her new slip/dress.

Sonia / Cozy Memories

Would have loved to go back there with you. What a nice way to spend time on a rainy weekend !
The photos of Lilith are stunning as ever. What a model you have & what an amazing photographer you are !!

Rachel~At the Butterfly Ball

Goodness your sweet Lilith is getting so big! So much fun when they start toddling around. :-)

Mary Jo

Lillith has to be the best dressed girl in Canada!


She looks adorable! what great finds!


That black and white photo of L. in cap and slip looking down at the book is a classic! So lovely! You are such a wonderful oma (is that the term?)!


Lillith is SO darling!!! Such a wonderful age..Just this morning, I was looking through Zach's baby books..I can't believe how time has passed! I miss this age..She is just precious!!


She is beautiful and looks so content with her books!


You sure have a knack for finding the prettiest things! Lili looks so pretty in her new slip!


First steps! Clever girl, wish I could give her a big squeezy cuddle. x


Lovely photos! I'm enamoured with the xylophone!


Melissa R

love the dress! What is that cute stick thing?

Margaret Oomen

It is a molinillo, a Mexican hot chocolate utensil

Sent from my iPad


she is one beautiful girl.


Beautiful treasures you found! How I would've loved to go with you and T! Lili looks adorable in her vintage slip!


how wonderful that lilith takes her steps toward a book - they were my best friends at that age!


Oh my, isn't that a darling child!!!

Jane S.

I can't believe Lilith is walking! Seriously, I can remember you announcing her birth, it can't possibly have been all that long ago? What a beautiful little girl she is. The slip suits her so well. :)

Annie @ knitsofacto

She's growing up so fast! Beautiful vintage finds :D


A whole box of darning tools - wow! I looked carefully and chose one ... and it turned out to be the one you chose too!
And, as everyone has said, what a darling child...

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