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February 26, 2013


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positively enchanting!


Lovely moth!

Carol Dee

She will be lovely.


You and your sisters (a.k., and g.z.) are so, so talented! This is beautiful! It seems you all are blossoming ever further with the beauty you share with us.

Lisa J

This makes my feet bounce. It's so beautiful. And exciting!


this sets my heart aflutter:) what wonderful ideas you have in that amazing brain of yours!!!!


That is cute! I love butterflies and moths!


You started that on your lunch break? Very impressive. When I'm in a time crunch I have a hard time getting creative. It turned out very nice. :-)

Sonia / Cozy Memories

That moth looks already so dreamy, I'm looking forward to seeing it ready to fly ! :)
Love the frayed edge, mimicking the softness of their scales


I love the subtle colours and it's shape too! xo

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