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February 19, 2014


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Sonia / Cozy Memories

They will fly off this beautiful bowl !!! Exciting !! xoxo

Lisa J

Argh! I don't have instagram! :(
But lucky, lucky souls who do. So wonderful to see your creative masterpieces again.


Oh they look so beautiful!AriadnefromGreece!


I tried to follow you,but Instagram says it's a private account and won't allow it. I will try again later today and see if it works.
I love the stones!


thank you so much! i am so happy :)


i recently received three of your gorgeous stones as an early birthday gift... i LOVE them! they are beautiful! wishing you a creative day
smiles, nancea
PS: i sent you a wee note to your mac.com email :)


I have a picture of your covered stones as my screen saver, would just love to have the real thing. I,m at work all day Friday so probably will miss the chance to buy one. Never mind, i,ll just look longingly at my screen! Best wishes Margie


Stunning, as ever!


These are beautiful! I'm not on Instagram so thank you for posting them here too!


I too cannot seem to follow you on instagram but would LOVE to purchase one of these!! I'm so excited you are offering them again :-)


Lisa J

Did they all sell? I'd love another if they haven't.


also been loving them for a long while
even followed your directions for making one from pearlbee in NYC...but one of yours would be special
also, don't have instagram...


Just received my stone today in Markham. It's absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them!

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